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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Bubble Print

Wow! Another art and craft activity here.
Guess what today? Bubble paint.
What?! Bubble paint? Seriusly?
Yes, of course.
Let's see how it's work!

Soap Free Bubble Recipe:

  • Shallow Containers ~ we used shallow mason jars
  • Food Coloring
  • Straws
  • White Paper
  • Trays ~ to contain the drips
  • Milk ~ yep you read right…plain old milk!

Kids love blowing frothy, noisy bubbles in their milk.
I find it to be too much at our dinner table, but at the art table I am all for it!  
I love that this simple recipe only uses milk and food coloring.  No icky soap taste, just good old fashioned fun!  Totally a win, especially if you have toddlers.
soap free bubble prints ~ no more sucking in soap bubbles!

All you need to do is add a little food coloring to the milk and blow bubbles until your hearts content. I love the cotton candy color that the milk gives the bubbles.
Milk bubbles are heavier than soap bubbles, so be prepared for drips and splashes of colorful milk.  A simple tray works perfect for containing all the milky spills.

soap-free-bubble-prints ~ No icky taste and  safe for little ones!

Once there is a huge pile of bubbles, quickly lay your paper on top of the bubbles.  We found it worked best to use a light hand and gently press the paper into the bubbles.  The milk bubbles will pop right on your paper leaving behind unique designs.

 soap free bubble prints ~ no more sucking in soap bubbles!

Have Fun!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Pan Balance

In this game, children learn how to balance the weight with the given subject. Children have to make sure that the pan of the subject is balance with the pan of weight metal. So to make sure that is balance, children have to add on or reduce the weight metal of the pan. This game gives children a good chance to explore by themselves so that they can apply the theory in their life.

Well done, be back again for others fun! 

Friday, 3 January 2014


Nowadays, parents are worry what's the kids doing by online.
Now, parents can print out the worksheet for children.
At the same time, children and parents can work together to complete the work.
Rather than online games, why not paper and pencils.

Print it out and try!